Events for the general public (concerts, prize-giving ceremonies, etc.)

Take advantage of the château de Vincennes' exceptional setting to organise your events.

Donjon du château de Vincennes, angle sud-ouest
  • Sainte-Chapelle: 300 m² (200 people seated to 250 standing);
    Keep: 2 rooms of 100 m² (80 people on the 1st floor and 50 people on the 2nd floor);
    Casemates: 1 room of 80 m² (50 people seated and 80 people standing) and 1 room of 40 m² (25 people seated and 30 people standing)

  • Sainte-Chapelle and keep (keep tower and courtyard)

  • All year round

  • Outside car park (administrated by the MINARM) / Toilets


Standing at the gateway to the capital, the château de Vincennes is an unusual place in which the history of France resonates.

Take advantage of the Sainte-Chapelle and the keep to organise your events right in the heart of Paris: concerts, conferences, etc.


  • Grille tarifaire locations d'espace CMN 2024

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